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    "i haven't been to Dallas since Texas."
    andrew's on the stage with his baton.
    "each corner brings a new intersection
         of lines in this building," i say
    brown-haired girl leans over the loge.
    she says, "how do you like the show so far?"
    "mr. hough cat hit the keys really well."
    i say, "afterwards we could drive up to Richardson."
    she rests her hand on her thigh.
    "did you see they rolled up the rug?"
    "yes, it used to be here and people would trip on it."
    making tracks on I-75
    traffic slows on the highway
    driving north to Richardson
    with the daughter of mr. adler
    "did you know they rolled up the rug?"
    © 1999 Bryan's Cabin Songs, ASCAP

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