• listen to mp3
    i'll ask you one question -- what are friends for?
    i'll tell you the answer to that one
    friends are for caring and helping 
    friends are able to accept when you have done wrong 
    friends are forgiving 
    all this adds up and makes you perfect 
    the many jams you have helped me out of 
    like the time when i was broke and i 
    smashed the glass bowl in the shop 
    did you call me clumsy? 
    you just paid for the bowl 
    then refused to let me pay you back 
    and the time when I broke my arm 
    by trying to fly off the trampoline 
    did you laugh? 
    you talked to me all the way 
    to the hospital 
    and held my hand 
    all this talk of how wonderful you are 
    is making it hard for me to tell you the bad news 
    my family is moving to california and 
    naturally i have to go with them 
    i don't know how i will last without you there 
    to help me out of my messes 
    but i know that nobody will ever take up 
    the large portion of my heart that you own 
    you will forever be my friend 
    and i hope i will be yours too. 
  • © 2000 Bryan's Cabin Songs, ASCAP

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